
Helping Individuals

and our Community to flourish with God leading the way.

WordPress Theme

In the tapestry of our town, GRM’s customers are woven deep, A community cherished, a promise we keep. We yearn for streets pristine and havens secure, For laughter of children in parks to endure. We dream of commerce thriving, of academia’s rise, Where aspirations soar 'neath boundless skies. In service, we pledge to our kin and our creed, A sanctuary for the lost, for their plight we heed. A bastion for souls shadowed by life’s tempests and trials, We offer a harbor from addiction’s defiles. For minds ensnared, for spirits that wane, We vow a renaissance, a life reclaimed. From the ashes of hardship, new purpose we weave, Transforming the burdened into blessings received. In God’s grace, we labor, in unity, we strive, To foster the fallen, to help hope revive. For in each wayward wanderer, potential untold, A future unfurled, a story retold. As assets, not liabilities, they rise and they blend, God-dependent, contributing, till journey’s end.

WordPress Theme 2

In the tapestry of time, an African whisper winds, "If speed is your ally, alone you may find your pace. Yet, for journeys that span the breadth of eons, In unity, we trace our path to grace." At GRM, our pledge is cast in communal stone: To forge alliances with sanctuaries divine, With commerce's might, governance's throne, And every willing soul, whose fates entwine. We stand with the dispossessed, the ones in shadow, Their plight in our hearts, their hopes in our hands. Together, we lift them from the hollow, To stand amidst abundance, on prosperous lands. For it's in collective toil that dreams take wing, In the confluence of spirits that we truly soar. Hand in hand, we'll see the dawn of spring, And in shared strides, reach the farther shore.

WordPress Theme 3

In the hallowed halls of GRM, the Gospel’s heralded as divine, A beacon of hope, where life and purpose entwine. Jesus’ mission, a testament of renewal so grand, Bestows upon creation and mankind, a guiding hand. With open arms, we pledge to serve, to uplift and embrace, No soul turned away, in this sanctuary of grace. Beliefs may vary, paths may diverge, yet our promise stands firm, Opportunity for all, as the legal bounds affirm. Guidance drawn from scriptures, wisdom ancient and revered, Yet, taught with a heart of compassion, as Jesus endeared. In every word, in every deed, love and respect we sow, For in the mirror of the Gospel, humanity’s reflection shall glow.


GRM’s customer is our community.  We too want our community to be clean and safe.  We take our kids to the parks and want them to run free. We want to see our businesses and schools flourish.


We Choose

We choose to serve our community by guaranteeing a place where those that are homeless can receive the help that they need so that they can be free from the pain of addiction, mental illness and experience a flourishing life. 

United We Thrive

African Proverb  “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  


GRM is dedicated to working with the church, businesses, government leaders and others in the community to help those that are homeless or in poverty to flourish. 


GRM defines the Gospel as the good news that Jesus came to restore life and purpose to mankind and all of creation.  We are dedicated to guaranteeing opportunity to everyone that we can legally serve. 


We are committed to speaking the truth in love in all situations trusting God to transform shelter guests, volunteers and staff into the image of Jesus Christ.

Success Stories

My Personal Vow:
Rich Schaus CEO GRM

Today I will take up my cross and follow Him.
I can drink His cup.
Today I will speak life to myself and others.
I will speak truth in love.
Today I choose growth. I was designed to flourish and help my community to do the same.
Today I will love, pray for and do good to my enemies in expectation that we will become friends.
Today I will care for my whole self so that I will have the endurance, strength, wisdom, and passion to make the world better.
Today I will persevere in battle of die trying.
Today I declare allegiance to King Jesus.

Meals Served this year.
Outcome Targets this year.
Regular shelter nights: Bednights
Overflow Shelter Guests this year.
True Charity Network Logo


We take all of the resources that God has given for the greater good.


Helping Individuals to flourish, If you are hungry. Stop by GRM.


Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself.


The Glory of God by Ending Homelessness in Oklahoma.

GRM Start

Work Start - Training our community for a brighter and prosperous future.

Change it to God is on the Move at GRM.

Recent Events

Rich Schaus FEB 17, 2024

Living with Peace and
Love in Hearts

Big Holy Audacious Goal - Reveal the Glory of God by Ending Homelessness in Oklahoma.


Marriage In-Sync Conference

Join us with Bruce & Leta Wilbanks from Tulsa's Marriage and Family Initiative for this 1 day conference that will teach us how to become better communicators and have healthier relationships with our significant others.

Your $10 ticket, plus 1 free ticket sponsored by the Muskogee Ministerial Alliance, includes a delicious lunch sponsored by Gino’s Italian Ristorante, workbook, plus childcare will be provided.

God is on the move at GRM. Join us on the adventure.

GRM in the News

God is on the move at GRM. Join us on the adventure.


Would you like to explore additional events and programs?

GRM Start Program

We work with community leaders to create an effectiveness model to resolve community connected to homelessness without hurting the people that you are trying to help.

-Gospel Rescue Mission | Where Hope & Renewal are offered to all.
~ African Proverb ~ "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Scandoulous Things Jesus did in his Ministry

Recent News

Your generosity is making
a difference

“The Ripple of Giving”

Your donation, like a stone cast into a tranquil pond, creates ripples that extend far beyond the initial splash. It touches lives unseen, whispering hope to the weary, healing to the broken, and solace to the vulnerable. In this interconnected web of humanity, your generosity makes a difference—one heart at a time.

Your support provides 3 meals a day, nights of shelter, guidance counseling, job training and hope.

$864,631 OF $824,546 RAISED

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