Revelation 4:11 Because God created, he is the only one worthy of praise.
Lest we forget. In the middle of the Garden of Eden, there were 2 trees. The most famous of these two trees was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was this tree that we were not to eat from, and in doing so, we were choosing death. The other tree we could have eaten from is often referred to as the Tree of Life. When we eat from the Tree of Life, we get life as God designed. Life without sorrow, without death, without oppression or any other negative life event. Life can be lived to the fullest with healthy relationships, healthy mind and body, and healthy community development.
While there will come an opportunity to again choose in a similar vein, we can choose to eat from God’s Word daily. His Word will sustain us and strengthen us. It will give us a taste of life and hope. Even today it can restore us to His design for our life.
Unfortunately, many today, even within the church, long to do things their own way and reject the way of the King.
The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is man’s wisdom, man’s ideas on how to live life. Eating from this tree often seems good to us and may have some initial excitement, but always leads to hurt, pain, and death.
Choose this day which tree you will eat from. When you know Him, there really is no choice. He is the only one worthy of praise.