
Forging a New Life Part 7

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. John 1:12-13

    As you begin to claim your identity as an image-bearer, your life will begin to change.  Choose each day to commit to this image.  Looking in the mirror as you fix your hair, shave, or put on makeup; choose to see yourself as the image of the one who created you.  This is not just a right but a great responsibility.  Many will look at me today and decide based on my behaviors if they want to explore the claims of Jesus.  They may never even communicate such a message to me. Honestly, they will hear my life before they hear my words.


    Even more so, though, is the truth that I am a son of God.  This poem by Edgar A. Guest, highlights how we should treasure the name He has given us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

You got it from your father,
t’was the best he had to give,                  And right gladly he bestowed it                It’s yours, the while you live.

You may lose the watch he gave you
and another you may claim,
But remember, when you’re tempted,
to be careful of his name.

It was fair the day you got it,
and a worthy name to bear,
When he took it from his father
there was no dishonor there.

Through the years he proudly wore it,
to his father he was true,
And that name was clean and spotless
when he passed it on to you.

Oh there’s much that he has given
that he values not at all,
He has watched you break your playthings
in the days when you were small.

You have lost the knife he gave you
and you’ve scattered many a game,
But you’ll never hurt your father
if you’re careful with his name.

It is yours to wear forever,
yours to wear the while you live,
Yours, perhaps some distant morn,
another boy to give.

And you’ll smile as did your father,
with a smile that all can share,
If a clean name and a good name
you are giving him to wear.

   When a Christian falls into temptation, they are disgracing the name of Christ.  This should give us pause and again motivate us to live to the highest possible standard.  If this was the only identity that God gave us, that would be more than enough.  But there is more.

        He who has an ear, let him hear and heed what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes [the world through believing that Jesus is the Son of God], to him I will give [the privilege of eating] some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone with a new name engraved on the stone which no one knows except the one who receives it.’
Revelation  2:17         

   Jesus did not come to Earth to suffer, die, and be raised from the dead for a multitude.  He did it for you because He loves you passionately.  He is not a God who created us and walked away from His work.  Instead, He walks with us and talks with us in the cool of the day.  His greatest love is for mankind, and you, my friend, are the apple of His eye.  He has a pet name for you that He only shares with you.  This personal name is not created by you, it is bestowed upon you by God.  Like a nickname that friends give you in grade school that sticks, is this name that the lover of our souls grants us.  This is the identity that we must most live in if we are to be successful in this world and the next.