Matthew 6:25-34
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
We spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about every little thing. Where does this worry come from? Fear is at least one factor. Jesus tells us in the Gospel of John that fear is based on punishment. If you are feeling fear then you are not perfect in love. When we love God fully, we know that He desires the best for us. The problem is that we settle for things that seem good and routinely choose them over the very best. We get concerned that we don’t have a big fancy house when God is offering us a mansion in Heaven. We quibble over scraps of food when God has offered us a feast. We see that God offers nature an abundant and radiant raiment, but we worry about our clothing.
Our life is more than all of that. The morning comes and we start our day focused on the world that our eyes and ears can perceive. My friends, those are all temporary things. God has called us to a higher place. Open our eyes and look for eternity. Seek the King of Kings and ask Him for His best. The truth is He is on the edge of His seat waiting for you to ask. When He sees you coming ready to submit to His will He will run to you to ensure that you get what you need. His wealth and gifts are greater than the human mindset of health and wealth. Many want something temporary; He is only interested in the eternal. We want new and He wants to give us something with ancient roots that will last our whole life and then some.
Our ears are straining to hear some sort of encouragement that will make us feel good for a moment. Preachers often preach messages that are simply pleasing. God is offering us repentance and healing which makes us whole.
Consider Jesus and a leper. The modern church would offer him compassion. They might pray for him from a distance. Some churches might offer a tent and some food and a distant smile. Do you doubt it? Look at how people treat the homeless. Jesus is different. While He is compassionate in the moment Jesus wants this man healed and returned to community. What good would it do for the man to be made well but still seen as an outcast. The gift of God was greater than a moment. The man was made whole, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Today that is the role of the church. That is the mission God has given us. Live in that mission and you will never need to worry because you will be experiencing all the love of the Creator.