There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground. -Hebrews 11:35b-38
Sad to say, but many of our full churches are providing great entertainment with little depth. Those attending are deeply touched by concert lighting, motivational music, and messages. But few can remember the message a day or two later and the emotion of the Sunday morning gathering too has passed. Even more significant, they are not taught what to do in the everyday world when stresses and difficulties arise. Other churches are nearly empty of believers except those that are there out of sense of obligation. They are watching the clock carefully wondering how soon they can escape the boredom. These are not much better off than those at the packed church. They may receive a more in-depth message, but they are not humble enough to receive and apply the lessons.
Most attending these churches are not filled with the life that Grace is offering. It is true that none of us deserve anything from the God that we rejected and despised. Without accepting the Living Grace that Jesus offers, they will not be building a solid foundation where they can withstand the storms.
In order to endure difficult times and to get the most out of the good times, we must build a solid foundation of Living Grace. Adding in spiritual disciplines must not considered to be a simple checklist of the top twelve things to do in order to grow in Christ but rather as training to prepare us for a life of service.
What if going to church included jeers, possible floggings, imprisonment, and even death? How many Americans would decide that it would be better to simply stay in bed on Sunday morning?
If we invest in ourselves and trust in Him in ALL circumstances, that living grace that we share with others will be able to transform the world around us. We must take the lessons from the church service, from our own Bible study, from our prayer time, and more; then apply it to our lives. How then shall we live? What can we expect in our lives?
When John the Baptist was in prison, he heard what Jesus was doing. He sent his followers. They asked, “Are You the One Who was to come, or should we look for another? – -Matthew 11: 2-3
Today, if you were to ask the average Christian if they were representing Jesus, most would respond with words that define polite and respectful behaviors. They may engage with you and share a comprehensive list of the behaviors that they don’t do like drinking, cursing, sex outside of marriage. Energized believers might claim a specific political party, and either mention how they vehemently oppose or support same sex marriage in the name of Jesus. Some might talk about specific good works and that they go to church every week. What was Jesus’s response?
Jesus said to them, “Go and tell John what you see and hear. The blind are made to see. Those who could not walk are walking. Those who have had bad skin diseases are healed. Those who could not hear are hearing. The dead are raised up to life and the Good News is preached to poor people. He is happy who is not ashamed of Me and does not turn away because of Me.” -Matthew 11:4-6
Again, and again Jesus announced that the Kingdom of God is one of action and deeds and not words. Many claim Christ as their savior with their tongues but deny Him through their actions. Often their words reveal hatred and bitterness. Too often men of God that I deeply respect love their political parties more than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Talk is cheap.