“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
–Matthew 7:13-14
On a recent trip, portions of my driving were on two lane country roads and portions on the highway. Constantly as I drove I thought how much I preferred the fast moving highway than the narrow road.
Ah the narrow gate. We know in our minds that it is the narrow way that we should be seeking but how often do we get sucked into the wide highway working on keeping up with the neighbors. Too often we are filled with rage and jealousy, and we justify our sinful coveting hearts. We have more than we need but we want more and more. A heard a prayer recently that shook me a bit. I don’t remember the exact words, but I will share with you the spirit.
Lord thank you for the food I have today. If you had given us tasteless mush, dirt of rocks to eat that would have been enough. But you saw fit to give us tasty food that is good for us. The food you have chosen to give me looks and smells great; it fills me with great joy.
Lord thank you for my home. If you had given me mere protection from the elements that would have been enough. But this place has a home for my car, the ability to add air conditioning or heat as needed, keeps me dry and has running water. Thank you for my home.
Lord thank you for my job. You could have just given me the ability to pay bills or even simply paid my bills. But you chose to give me purpose and adventure in a job that brings You honor. Thank you for my job.
The prayer went on thanking God for going way beyond expectations. My friends that is the narrow path. The narrow way is loving, praying for and doing good to our enemies. The narrow way is rooting for rivals.
Regarding these enemies. As I read through the Gospels recently I had this realization. Jesus does not seem to treat Judas any different than the other eleven. What if I knew that one of my team members or partner organizations was planning treachery. How would I treat them? The narrow way is to treat your enemies as your friends.
Based on earlier statements in the sermon on the mount we know that the narrow way includes not hating your brother and not lusting in any way. The narrow way will require us to search our hearts and grow day by day.
The narrow way means that I see the prisoner, the infirmed, the addicted, the hungry and the thirsty as my brother or sister. Though I might be a professional I am better than no man or woman. Superiority is not the way of the person that is walking the narrow way.
The narrow way will be lonely and is often confusing. But Jesus calls us to that narrow way. Every day I arise and seek the face of God and ask Him to help me on this narrow path. I do this because in my own strength I prefer the simplicity of the wide highway.