One from ancient history society that ended poverty started as a small impoverished village. This village was so poor that if they had kept statistics like we do today over ninety percent of the population would have been living below the poverty line. Things were looking bad. In addition to abject poverty and uncertain opportunities for food, the people also had to be concerned about raiding parties from empires and nations around them. Fear was very real for the citizens of the village. The village had many things going for it. Among the population were many highly intelligent and creative people. After many generations of rough living the people were hardened and strong. But the one thing that would ultimately help the people the most is that they were part of a kingdom that had a very wise king. As the king considered the state of the village he knew that there was potential for so much more. This king loved his people and they loved him too. Unfortunately love does not fill the belly or warm the body. Like I said, though, this king was very wise.
Calling his court to his side he launched his plan. First he took each family of the village an olive tree. He simply gave it to them with the understanding that someday they would pay him back. Wise men came and taught the villagers how to plant the trees and care for them. The climate was perfect and the trees prospered. Throughout the process the people were visited by wise men that helped them continue the care of the trees and ensure that the people were always knowledgeable about olive trees. Stories, myths and legends would be told that made the trees seem almost magical. The people were hopeful but they did not know why. Soon the olives had their first budding and then in the blink of an eye it was time for harvest. Again trainers descended on the village and the people were helped along. When the harvest was complete others were responsible for taking the excess olives and taking them to other villages. The people sold the olives and the village was not as poor as before. Over time things like olive oil and other olive based products were created and the market grew. Olive products from the village were traveling many miles and the village became prosperous. After just a few short years the king was reimbursed for the original trees. Experts continued to be available but for the most part the olive growers could do things on their own. It became obvious to the villagers that they would need better roads and other things to help the trade to continue to prosper so they happily paid taxes that were put to good use to create these things. When rumors of foreign armies were heard they joyfully paid taxes to build an army and navy. The village grew and prospered many years. Eventually the people were able to specialize into those who made tools, made olive oil, warriors and the arts came into being. Now the village had wealth and there was no poverty among them.
NOTE: They had slaves that they had bought from foreign lands. While I would say that these are poor they all had a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. This is not to excuse them. Life without freedom is not worth living.
This village I am sure you have heard of is Athens, Greece. Too many years of wealth and prosperity took place and they were no longer the hardened people from the early days. When the Persians came they could not stand. With war came famine, infighting and disaster. Instead of working together they lived divided by artificial factors like politics and family lineage. Poverty returned with a vengeance.