“What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.“Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.“Which of the two did what his father wanted?”
-Matthew 21:28-30
Most of the church has said yes with their lips and denied Jesus with their actions. Most of my time these days is spent at the Gospel Rescue Mission in Muskogee, Oklahoma where I get to ask men and women if they want to get well. Most will give lip service, a few will want to argue because they don’t want change. Several will come with excuses, blame and an agenda. However, for a precious few they will accept the concept of taking up their mat and walking. The healing will so deeply impact them that even though in the beginning they only had some cartoonish image of Jesus at best, they seek to know Him deeply. The more they chase after Him the more they learn, grow, share and start living Grace. For the true believer they become known by their actions.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, -Matthew 28:19
Ah the Great Commission. The realm of evangelists and once directed to the Saints of God burdened with guilt and shame over their inability to share the Gospel truths with the lost. These teachers are not wrong in their passion for evangelism. Evangelism by all the saints is part of the mandate given to us by God. However, it is far better for the heart of God to be implanted in you and so a part of who you are that your evangelism comes from your inner being that has been transformed by God.
Today many pastors don’t want to burden their people with such a heavy load, so it is rare that I hear a message encouraging folks to lead their coworkers and family to a saving knowledge of Christ. Maybe that would be ok if we could get excited by the Kingdom of God that we claim to be part of. Then we would not need to be encouraged to share our faith. It would just happen.
Conversations abound in my life about sporting events or the latest blockbuster movie. Conversations about those things go boldly everywhere. But with some rare exceptional allowances most of these will be forgotten within months if not sooner.
Just maybe this is the scary truth about our walk with Christ. We have this exciting moment of salvation and we want to tell everyone. Some are receptive. But others don’t want to hear it, others will oppose it. Suddenly our emotions are dampened. The excitement wanes the same way we often forget who won the last championship when the new season starts. Days and then years pass with most not even knowing that you are a Christian.
Maybe the neighbors suspect that you are a Christian because they see you leaving your home the same time each Sunday wearing dressy clothes.. Generally, you are a moral and good person. You invite your neighbors over for the games when they play together proudly wearing the jersey of your favorite team. There is a good time and good food had by all.
Yet, we worry about sharing the Gospel. Will they think I am some sort of freak? Will the conversation be awkward? Will they think that I am judging them? I understand you must live next to these people. My purpose here is not to guilt you into being an effective witness. Instead my purpose here is to encourage you to live in such a way that the lost come to you and ask, “What makes you different?”