
Charity for All Part 10

The Centurion's Faith and Compassionate Intercession

In the healing stories found in Matthew 8, we see powerful examples of faith and compassion. These accounts show how individuals who were unable to approach Jesus themselves were brought to Him by others. Today, we’ll explore the story of the Roman centurion and his paralyzed servant, focusing on the themes of faith and intercessory compassion.

The Centurion's Plea:

In Matthew 8:5-6, we read about a Roman centurion who approached Jesus in Capernaum, pleading for help on behalf of his servant who was suffering terribly and was paralyzed. Despite being a man of authority and a Gentile, the centurion humbly sought Jesus’ intervention, showcasing his extraordinary faith.


“Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.”

A Lesson in Faith:

The centurion’s faith is profoundly evident in his approach to Jesus. He didn’t merely ask for Jesus’ help; he expressed a deep belief in Jesus’ power to heal from afar. This act of faith was so remarkable that Jesus Himself marveled at it, saying in Matthew 8:10:

“Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”

The centurion’s faith serves as an inspiring example for us. It reminds us that faith is not just about seeking help but believing wholeheartedly in the power of Jesus to provide that help, even when circumstances seem insurmountable.

Compassionate Intercession:

The centurion’s actions also highlight the theme of intercessory compassion. His servant was suffering and unable to seek Jesus’ help himself. The centurion’s decision to approach Jesus on behalf of his servant is a powerful act of compassion and care. He used his position and resources to intercede for someone in need, demonstrating the importance of advocating for others.


This story encourages us to consider how we can intercede for those who are suffering. Whether through prayer, support, or action, we can bring others to Jesus, much like the centurion did for his servant.

Bringing Others to Jesus:

The phrase “brought to him” is significant. It implies that those in need may not always be able to access Jesus on their own. This could be due to physical limitations, lack of awareness, or other barriers. In such cases, it is the responsibility of friends, family, and community members to bring them to Jesus, either physically or through prayer and support.


In our lives, we encounter many who are suffering but may not realize their need for Jesus’ healing. This is where our role becomes crucial. By interceding for them and bringing their needs to Jesus, we act out of compassion and faith, trusting in His power to heal and restore.


The story of the centurion and his servant in Matthew 8:5-6 is a powerful testament to the impact of faith and compassionate intercession. The centurion’s faith in Jesus’ ability to heal, even from a distance, and his willingness to advocate for his suffering servant, serve as timeless examples for us today.


As we reflect on this story, let us consider how we can bring others to Jesus, both in prayer and action. By embodying the faith and compassion of the centurion, we can help those who are suffering find the healing and hope that only Jesus can provide.