Why do the nations rage? It is natural that those who serve other gods will be opposed to Jesus who has a claim of being the one and only way to Heaven. But there can be no doubt that many of us trying to serve God have met hostility with hostility. Many of the faith have drawn lines in the sand that were not necessary. Many in the church have covered up abuses, have applauded greed and flagrantly done evil.
It is time for the church to repent. We feared that exposing a pastor that has been embezzling would be mean and give Jesus a black eye. What happens though when he gets away with it again and again. He is counting on our silence. If a deacon abuses a young lady or young man we quietly dismiss them (maybe). They go to another church and do it again. If the body of Christ is going to play a part in solving the social poverty of our nation we must rise up and defend those that are oppressed.
Instead of beating people up with a Bible, maybe we need to live a life that is worthy of saying, “Come and see.” If our life is above reproach. If we serve God when nobody is looking and simply serve God. If we confront evil within our church walls as much as in the statehouse or courthouse we will begin to see revival. This will be a revival that will be defined by righteousness.
Saying that the church needs to repent reminds me that it was the visible church of His day that actually executed Him. Jesus tells us it was that same spirit that killed the prophets and other men and women of God. It we are to see God move, not everybody will be pleased. But to rise up, we need to bow down to the King and declare our allegiance to Him.