
Meet Our Team

Meet GRM Staff!

Together, we’re making a difference!

Rich Schaus Profile

Rich Schaus


 At Gospel Rescue Mission the staff and volunteers are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus. We choose to love those that are often deemed outcasts by our society. We love Jesus and live by Micah 6:8 He has showed you oh man what is good, and what does the Lord require of you? To do justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with your God. We choose to share the Gospel always and when needed use words.

Meet Our Team

Sean Smith

Sean Smith

GRM Muskogee Rescue Team Manager

Nicky Miller

Nycky Miller

Development Director

Josh Baird

Josh Baird

Fresh Start Hydroponics Engineer

Victor Van Herreweghe

Victor D. Van Herreweghe III

Muskogee Rescue Team Member


Tucker Phillips

GRM Muskogee Kitchen Manager

Brett Robbins

Brett Robbins

Muskogee Maintenance Manager

Stacey Berry Quick

Stacey Berry Quick

GRM Muskogee Rescue Team

Daniel Blankenship

Daniel Blankenship

Development Manager/ Rescue