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EVENTS & GRM in the News

The Book Club hosted by GRM is meant to discuss popular books and ideas related to charity so that we can learn from each other and grow together. The meetings will be held monthly on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 11:30am to 12:30pm. We are in a 6-month study from February 6th through July 2nd of the book “When Helping Hurts” by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert.

Lunch will be provided from the GRM kitchen, or you can bring your own lunch.  JULY 2, 2024

We’ve all felt the discomfort when you pass by a man in raggedy clothes, holding a sign declaring that “anything helps.” In a way, that message resonates with us — we feel compelled to do “anything,” anything that might alleviate the poverty.

But will anything help? Will any action resolve the injustice of poverty and lead to the justice of flourishing just because it is led by compassion? We’re going to dive into this in our next True Charity Luncheon.

The event Date is April 16th, held in Gospel Rescue Mission’s Bankston Chapel from 12pm-12:45pm, and lunch will be provided, so come hungry!

Did you know that 69% of people who grew up in a family with married parents become successful adults compared to only 31% of people who were raised by a single parent? With Muskogee County’s divorce rate at nearly 55% in 2021, we must find ways to help strengthen our marriages, keep our families in tact, and therefore, reduce our poverty rate.

Join us with Bruce & Leta Wilbanks from Tulsa’s Marriage and Family Initiative for this 1 day conference that will teach us how to become better communicators and have healthier relationships with our significant others. Your $10 ticket, plus 1 free ticket sponsored by the Muskogee Ministerial Alliance, includes a delicious lunch sponsored by Gino’s Italian Ristorante, workbook, plus childcare will be provided.

It’s time to “get your glow on” with the 2024 Hometown Hope Run! We are partnering with the Local Motion Event at Depot Green, and we will be having pre-registration at the Depot beginning at 10am, Saturday, September 21st, and the run will begin at 6:30pm, giving us a little more light at the end of the trail.

We hope that you will join us in supporting Gospel Rescue Mission and the men, women, and families that we serve. All proceeds go to provide life-changing services such as felony reintegration, addiction recovery, job skills, and so much more for those in crisis in Muskogee County.