The friends gathered in the torchlight enjoying the meal. Music could be heard in the streets. Stories filled the air with sadness and laughter as they recounted previous holidays. Memories of family and friends that had passed gave the celebration a melancholy feel. As at every other gathering on this Passover they would recount the feelings of the enslaved. The men allowed the feeling of what it must feel like to be subject to the master’s whip. Bitterness filled the mouths and hearts of these men that had been working and living together for most of the past several years. In previous years they would have said that they did not really know what it was like to be enslaved. But now they understood that they had been slaves to sin for most of their lives. They simply had not known that truth but now that they were experiencing freedom they understood. Recounting the stories of Moses and the burning bush they began to feel the excitement of the future.
God was intervening in this world.
Moses would lead them out of slavery and prepare them to reach the promised land. They knew the stories well. From childhood they had heard stories from fathers, uncles and family friends and knew that the journey was difficult. They took comfort in knowing that God was with them, showing them the way. Now they were an occupied nation because they had forgotten their God. In this day though things again had the winds of change. A prophet, someone more than a prophet had come to their community. This man from Nazareth had performed miracles, taught love, and challenged the leaders of His day. Change was coming and that created a bit of tension. This was the Messiah, and they were blessed to walk in His shadow. Jesus had warned them that it was not all roses and puppies. Being a servant leader would be dangerous work. But God would walk with them, showing them the way.
At a portion of the celebration where the head of the family would take time to wash hands and bless the family, Jesus upgraded the ceremony. Jesus took on an apron and gently moved around the table washing the feet of the apostles. He communicated that he loved them, that He knew it would be difficult. In the dancing light He told them that He was going away and they could not follow Him. But that the Holy Spirit would be their constant companion. Sorrow filled the room. The evening proceeded and they discovered that one of them would be a traitor. One of them that had just had their feet washed by their teacher and friend. How could that be? Shouldn’t the Messiah defend himself if He clearly identified His betrayer? Yet that was not the way of the Carpenter. He was different.
You, my friend, are a spiritual leader in your home and community.
You, my friend, are a Spiritual Leader in your home and community. You must be different than the rest of the world. Take up your towel and water pitcher and serve those around you. Learn from the Master and listen to those who have gone before. If you are to lead like Jesus you must be different. Your motivation is not fame and fortune. Your motivation is love no matter the cost. You must choose love because sometimes it will be brutal. Those that you love will hurt you. You must be a man or woman of peace. Learn from the Master and experience life.