
Sermon on the Mount Part 8

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

     If there was ever a time in history where we need peacemakers, that time is now.  It seems like one cannot make even the most innocent postings in social media or even in conversation without someone getting offended and angry.  What has happened to society that we have gotten so rooted in our opinions that we feel we must come to blows so quickly.  Notice I did not say our beliefs. 

    Beliefs are different than opinions.  At the risk of back lash from the church at large, I want to suggest that many in the church have more opinion than they have actual belief.  More and more, we are tossed about by the waves and carried around by every wind of teaching.

…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed about by the waves and carried around by every wind of teaching and by the clever cunning of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ Himself, who is the head.…
-Ephesians 4:13-15

    My friends, have you taken time to be rooted and grounded in the truth of God?  Listening to a podcast one day, I heard the story of a reporter that wanted to learn more about what made Kobe Bryant a basketball superstar.  Kobe agreed to let the reporter join him for his daily workout, which started at 4am.  When the reporter got there, Kobe was already going.  For a couple of hours, he did drills and did some workouts.  Afterwards, the reporter asked Kobe about the drills. “It seems those were basic drills that are taught to junior high students.  But you are among the best in the game, why are you doing such basic skills?”  Kobe smiled and asked, “Why do you think I am among the best?”  The lesson is that if we want to be men and women of God, we must consistently work the fundamentals. 

     If I want to be a peacemaker, I must first connect with the Prince of Peace.  This requires me to get involved with the basics.  When I was still new in the faith, I heard a kid’s song about growing spiritually that directed kids to pray and read God’s Word every day.  Based on the anger and bitterness that is expressed by many in the church today, it would seem that too many are not basing their lives in these basics.

    Everyday, our first thought should be to seek God and desire to discover what He is up to and where, what, when, and how we are to partner with Him today.  Unfortunately, there are many who wake up asking what I must do or what can I do today to make myself happy. 

    Spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, memorizing the Scripture and mediating on passages.  I might also recommend a treasure hunt.  The Bible is full of mini versions of the Gospel.  Go find them.  Hint: here is the treasure map of the basic Gospel.

There is a problem or trouble.

God shows up and offers a suggestion.

Man tries to do it his own way.

Man’s way is a band-aid at best but often creates more problems.

God comes back and now man is ready for God’s solution.

God’s solution makes things better.

Man loves life but soon forgets God.

There is a new problem and the cycle continues.

    This peacemaking gig is tough and will take you time to develop the habits.  Many want to cross the finish line, but few want to pay the price of actually running the race.  That is why those that endeavor to do the work will wake up to discover that they are children of God.