In reality there is no secret sin. God is aware of all our thoughts and actions. But be sure that your sins will find you out. There are those that work diligently to cover up their sins. Some do so for so long that they cease to belief that their choices are sinful. They are deluded into thinking that God looks the other way when they disobey His commands. It might be good here to remind us that sin is missing the mark. God has set a standard for us. Anything less than hitting that target is sin. The man or woman of God must train their eyes to be open and their ears attuned to the voice of God. Every moment of every day He is acting on our behalf. His desire is for our best. When we choose to ignore His direction there is a price to pay. That price is separation from God. When we sin we can not hear Him as clearly. It is like having your ears muffled.
Those that continue to keep their fig leaves covering their shame soon become calloused to the voice of God. The other voices are constant and loud. Sin, hate and lies are always louder than the voice of Truth. As the callousness becomes more and more a part of who a person is they willfully disobey not only minor commandments, but boldly violate any and all commands of the Lord. Recently, I was visiting with a man who was incarcerated and in the midst of the conversation he suddenly had a bit of an epiphany. He stated that when he was on the outside he honestly did not believe that the rules applied to him. He felt he could do whatever he wanted and their would never be a consequence. It started with small things. Shoplifting some candy, lying to his boss and watching movies with explicit content. When he would be questioned on a lie or would feel conviction about his choice of entertainment he would justify his decisions. He continued to teach Sunday School to youth and call them to a high standard that he was not willing to live up to. Tears welled up in his eyes as he suddenly realized that those young adults now all knew that he was a phony. We prayed together for a few moments. Before I left he seemed to get stuck on one single thought, “It all started so small.” That is the way it is with willful sin. Sin will always lie to you. It will scream in your head that it is no big deal. You will hear things like, “Everyone does it.” The devil will say, “Certainly you will not die.” Yet all sin leads to death. We must take stock of the little foxes. Our future life depends on constant contact with God. We must keep our hearts connected to the King of Kings. You may think that you are not like other people. You may think that you are in control of your sin. Yes it is you making the choice. But you very quickly are losing ground. One day you wake up and you are alone and the voice of God seems distant. While in your dreams you were a free man, you wake up in prison pod hoping that you have a good celly.