
Setting the Captive Free Part 7

Lesson Two

      Ignoring the problems will ultimately do extreme damage to the local economy.  As the economy tanks, there will be more people in poverty and fewer to be able to financially help them.


     The stories could go on page after page.  These are the men and women who you see camping out in your parks and in front of your business.  Most people don’t notice them unless they are at YOUR favorite park, in YOUR neighborhood or disturbing YOUR business.  Who are these people?  Where did they come from?  What does real help look like?

Man sits on park bench in a homeless encampment

     They are men and women who were created by God with a purpose.  He loves them and longs to set them free.  They are sons and daughters, husbands and wives, they are coworkers, fathers, mothers, and so much more.  Homelessness itself has given them a wide array of traumatic experiences. That trauma has made ‘normal’ lifestyles that should not be seen as normal.  They commit unspeakable sins in order to survive.  Others will embarrass themselves by digging through dumpsters to get food, clothing, and items to sell.  Survival is a tough master.


    We will look more at them in this series, but I will tell you up front, they do not need your pity.  They need your love.  Their behaviors may scare you; we will look at why they do that.  Caring for these beautiful men and women will challenge your patience, your own mental stability, and your own understanding of how God works.  We will wrestle with that as well.


     These men and women came from all over the place.  While many may not have come from your hometown, they are in your town now.  Do not send them along.  You need good citizens, healthy employees, active church members and more.  

When loved rightly, these men and women can fulfill those roles and much more.