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Phyllis Lewelling

Phyllis Lewellin

Phyllis Lewelling

 GRM Muskogee Rescue Team.

Phyllis was born in Bonham, TX, and moved to Muskogee, OK when she was 6 years old. She grew up in Muskogee. Phyllis attended Muskogee Public Schools and attended Connors State College and Northeastern University. She has over 120 college hours and needs just three classes to complete an associate and bachelor’s Degree. She has enrolled for the Fall 2024 semester to complete these courses.


Phyllis has been married to Kevin for 9 years. She has a 34-year-old son (Nathaniel) and a 27-year-old daughter (Sarah).


Phyllis worked in childcare for over 27 years, starting out as a cook’s assistant, after taking college courses and training, she became a director.


Phyllis graduated from the Bridges Out of Poverty class, including Money Matters and the Boundaries Class.


Phyllis considers having raised 2 children who are responsible adults who love the Lord to be a great achievement. Her daughter has 3 college degrees and says that Phyllis is her inspiration.


Phyllis has worked with people in poverty for 9 years.


The key Bible verse that has shaped her thinking is Acts 17:28

Acts 17:28 “For in him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring.”


Ask Phyllis

  • What about people who aren’t ready or willing to develop?
  • Why did the dad toss his clock out of the window?

